S12-14 02

Active learning by doing strategies in food technology


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Marta RumayorUniversidad de Cantabria
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Stephanie WettsteinMontana State University
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Clara Casado CoterilloUniversidad de Cantabria


Active learning by doing strategies in food technology


The learning -by-doing methodology based on active, student-centered approaches are replacing traditional teaching models at high education levels. In engineering, active learning facilitates the acquisition of basic knowledge and certain skills including teamwork, problem-solving, communication and entrepreneurial mindset. The conventional flipped classroom provides the students with basic information in the form of videos, but students are more involved in-person strategies. Thus, recently, videos are substituted by seminars dealing with the fundamental topics of the subjects. The combination of flipped classroom with learning-by-doing and virtual exchange help the students to become socially interactive and engaged with their peers and others and the material they are learning.


In this experience we used a combination of flipped classroom, learning-by-doing and virtual international exchange in the optative subject Food Technology, 4th year Chemical Engineering Degree at the Universidad de Cantabria (UC). The motivation and acquired commitment of students with the subject were analyzed during the whole semester..


The students received the fundamentals of the subject during theoretical sessions. The resources were available along the semester and completed by the students by small tasks in Moodle platform, associated with the concepts after each session. The students were divided in groups to work on the case studies each related with a food group technology. The teamwork was monitored along the semester regarding the theoretical fundamentals and the individual problem-solving where the students used chemical engineering tools from previous years in food industry related topics. The defense of the group case study, which was realized in previous years in a single session at the end of the academic year, was substituted by a poster competition mid-term and a final oral presentation, where the students explained the advancements of their work and the solution of one of the individual problems to the rest of the class. By using a digital rubric in Microsoft Forms, both the posters and final presentations were peer-reviewed by them as a competition-based group dynamics. A classification rubric was also available for the lecturers’ jury to untie the outcome of the peer-review evaluation if needed. Two of the problems were performed in collaboration with the Separation Processes class of the Chemical Engineering Degree of Montana State University (MSU) to provide the students with international exchange and keep motivation levels high between both presentation dynamics.


The major outcome has been that the attendance of the students both in theoretical, problem sessions and group sessions reached 100% during the whole semester. The students prepared and defended satisfactorily their materials to the rest of teams in different sessions. The peer-review evaluation agreed with the lecturers’ appreciation, so the untie classification rubric was not necessary. Grades ranged from 7 to 9.5 over 10. Students expressed satisfaction with all the practices offered them regarding continuous evaluation and admitted that they learned more easily than having a final exam at the end. They found that the acquired skills for material divulgation elaboration was useful in other subjects. They loved the international exchange and expressed the wish to interact longer with their peers from abroad.


Flipped Classroom, competitive group dynamics and international exchange, even virtual, increase the implication and motivation of students with the subject content and control of their own learning.

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      Clara Casado Coterillo

      Comentó el 13/07/2023 a las 10:50:20

      Thank you for your comment and appreciation. As regards your inquire, I had not thought of them so far. Our flipped classroom approach is presential, to give significance to the in -person sessions both theoretical and practical. The approach of tiktok may be a resource if ever we have to be moving the activities online. Personally, I must admit it is difficult to be updated with the social media and the technology and age users gap with the students. However, there is a possibility to use social media as tik tok and instagram to give more visibility to the poster competitions next year by including a peer-review evaluation in the instagram accounts of chemical engineering associations (@aquiqan, so on) to motivate the divulgation skills of the students among their peers enrolled in different subjects.

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      Samuel López-Carril

      Comentó el 13/07/2023 a las 07:05:10

      Dear co-authors,

      Congratulations on your work! I want to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you for proposing an international project that is bound to have a significant positive impact on students' education. The high attendance rate and the increased student motivation towards the course are particularly noteworthy. I firmly believe that the combination of active learning (learning by doing), flipped classroom methodology, and the integration of ICTs is a powerful approach.

      In this regard, I would like to inquire if you have considered a future project that incorporates the use of social media platforms such as Pinterest or TikTok. These platforms excel at showcasing and enhancing audiovisual content, which may align well with the specific content of the course you teach. Furthermore, social media can offer additional opportunities for students to interact and showcase their creativity in their assignments.

      Best regards, and thank you in advance for your time.


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