Active learning methodologies can be defined as the methods, techniques and strategies that are used in the classroom in order to promote students’ active participation and learning (Labrador & Andreu, 2008). Gamification has turned out to be one of the most popular active learning methodologies since it helps to increase students’ motivation (Contreras & Eguía, 2016; Oliva, 2016; Corchuelo, 2018) and improves students’ performance and a positive attitude toward learning (Huang et al., 2020; Murillo-Zamorano, et al., 2021).
The aim of this work is to provide a gamification proposal for an English for Specific Purposes course for undergraduate students of Tourism in a public university in Madrid. This proposal has a twofold objective: on the one hand, to improve students’ general linguistic competence; on the other hand, to enhance students’ communicative ESP strategies to fulfill their future tourism labor endeavors successfully. To do so, students need to visit a total of twenty countries (Canada, United States of America, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Cameroon, Nigeria, Morocco, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, France, Syria, Pakistan, India and the Philippines) in a dynamic and student-paced environment with the aim of motivating and engaging student in their ESP learning. Through critical thinking and autonomous tasks, students face unexpected situations and lead their own learning. They will encounter different activities to improve and practice their linguistic skills online while paying special attention to the different realities of the countries they are virtually visiting. Once students have fulfilled a task and received the corresponding feedback from the teacher, they will obtain some flying miles as a kind of reward that will let them fly to a different country. According to the number of miles, they will obtain a boarding card to travel to a nearer or farther destiny until they visit the twenty countries.
For this purpose, the importance of the so-called active learning methodologies in the teaching-learning processes will be first discussed, especially through the role assumed by the students in the processes. Subsequently, we will focus on gamification and its main aspects that make it a motivating methodology for ESP higher education undergraduate students. We will also explain the role of digital online activities in their learning process. Later, the gamified proposal will be presented and the main tasks that students need to fulfill will be detailed. Finally, the results and conclusions will be included.
Sophie Mcbride
Comentó el 16/07/2023 a las 13:59:02
Thank you Beatriz for your wonderful presentation!
My research focuses on writing to learn and I am particularly interested in the tool you mention by Cambridge on Writing. In terms of the feedback it provides, does it provide feedback on form and content? Can you choose the type of feedback it provides? Also, in terms of the error corrections, are they always accurate? I am intrigued as I love discovering new ways of providing written corrective feedback and particularly if it is online!
Thank you ever so much in advance!
Beatriz Chaves-Yuste
Comentó el 17/07/2023 a las 07:36:46
Dear S
Beatriz Chaves-Yuste
Comentó el 17/07/2023 a las 07:40:54
Dear Sophie,
Thank you for your comment. It basically provides feedback on the form. It is not extremely accurate but it can be regarded as a kind of first correction of the draft. From that correction, students can go on polishing their writing, but it is not a tool that can absolutely replace the teacher's work, who will finally need to have a look at the writings . It is quite handy but it is not "the solution".
Thank you very much! Hope you have enjoyed the congress.
Adeline Houzé
Comentó el 14/07/2023 a las 12:42:15
Good morning Beatriz and thank you for your very interesting video. It gives me some ideas for the next year with my marketing’s students and I thank you so much for that.
However, I have some commentaries: a part of my investigation involves GBL (Game-Based Learning) and even if you couldn't explain all your project because of lack of time, I believe that your project is more similar to GBL than gamification. Indeed, you are proposing to your students a game: they have to play in a fictional world and they have to achieve some “quests”. Also, you are proposing games like story cubes to improve the narrative, or “the alphabet game” to practice _I guess_ the vocabulary.
Even if I understand perfectly that you use mechanics suitable for gamification like avatar’s creation and perhaps a PX system, these aren’t the only mechanics that define your project.
We tend to mix up gamification with GBL, but we have to keep clear that gamification is not a game and what you are doing it interlocks perfectly _in my opinion_ into a game. Your students adopt a “lussory attitude” (Suits) and they have “to overcome unnecessary obstacles'' to achieve their goals. (The Grasshoper: games, life and utopia by Bernard Suits)
I don’t pretend to have the right answer and I would like to know your point of vue.
I also have one question: have you ever used the AI midjourney.com with your students to create avatars? In my opinion, it seems very realistic and offers your students a lot of possibilities to create their own avatar. Even so, you have to pay a subscription to create your illustrations.
Thank you very much.
Adeline Houzé
Beatriz Chaves-Yuste
Comentó el 14/07/2023 a las 13:07:41
Dear Adeline,
Thank you very much for your comments. My proposal follows the principles of gamification as fas as it is composed of gamified dynamics, components, aesthetics and emotions (Escamilla et al., 2016), but it is true that it comprises GBL too, since some of tasks are games as you point out.
Regarding the use of AI midjourney.com, I have never used it. I am sure it provides many possibilities that may be more appealing for students.
Thank you very much for your comments and having watched my proposal.
Enjoy the congress!
Beatriz Chaves-Yuste
Comentó el 13/07/2023 a las 13:11:23
Buenos días, Rubén:
Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Efectivamente, como comentas, en varias ocasiones he observado cómo los estudiantes, al adaptar un nuevo "rol" con un avatar, muestran más seguridad y se desenvuelven mejor. Más aún, interaccionan más, están menos desinhibidos, y por lo tanto, practican más la lengua meta, lo que repercute positivamente en su competencia lingüística.
Muchas gracias y espero que disfrutes del congreso con todas las aportaciones.
Un saludo,
Rubén González Vallejo
Comentó el 13/07/2023 a las 12:54:07
Buenos días, Beatriz:
Enhorabuena por tu presentación. Me parece realmente muy interesante la propuesta, sobre todo, porque uno de los propósitos del metaverso es la experiencia inmersiva en otros países a través de avatares, y aquí se ha prescindido de la complejidad de ese tipo de plataformas para llevar la misma inmersión con otro enfoque. Quisiera preguntarte si has podido observar en los participantes una mayor seguridad y autoeficacia cuando usaban los avatares, en relación con las actividades presenciales. Es curioso como a veces se desenvuelven más al "esconderse" detrás de una animación.
Gracias por todo lo que has hecho.
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